1. Text of the paper. Text of the paper should be created with any ASCII editor (i.e., should not contain any formatting commands) or set in TEX or LaTEX (non-standard macros should be avoided). Formulae should be set in TEX/LaTEX. The Authors who wish to prepare manuscript in Acta Astronomica format are encouraged to download the acta.cls file from WWW site // Short example of article set with this style is also available there.
Text should be submitted by electronic mail to the address or uploaded to the directory /pub/submit/acta on using anonymous ftp service. We also require electronic version (Postscript or PDF format) or full hardcopy of the set article.

2. Tables. All tables should be set in TEX/LaTEX. Each table should be numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals and be supplemented by a short title describing its content.

3. Figures. All figures should be submitted in computer form. We only accept PostScript files from any graphic package. Names of submitted PostScript files should be in the form:,, ... or fig1.eps, fig2.eps, ...
When a figure is composed of a few parts it must not exceed one page and each part should be legibly described by letter. Please notice that the descriptions in the figures should be readable after twofold reduction of their size.
All the figures should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and referred to in the text as e.g., Fig. 2 or Figs. 2-5. Every figure should have a legend explaining all the symbols used in the figure and stating concisely the points the Author wishes the reader to notice.

4. Abstract. Paper must start with a brief abstract stating clearly the principal conclusion of the work.

5. Chapters and Paragraphs. Papers, except for short notes and Letters, should be divided into Chapters numbered by Arabic numerals. Chapters may be divided into Paragraphs denoted by the number of the Chapter and the number of the Paragraph; e.g., the third Paragraph of the second Chapter is denoted by 2.3. Each Chapter and each Paragraph should have a short descriptive title.

6. References. List of references should be arranged alphabetically at the end of the paper according to the scheme

{Name(s)}{year}{title of the journal}{volume}{page}

for example:

{Smith, N.C., Kowalski, N.C. and Dupont, N.C.}{1980}{Acta Astron.}{30}{17}
{Smith, N.C.}{1980}{Astrophysics}{~}{Publishing Copany, p. 27}
{Smith, N.C.}{1990}{IAU Coll. No. 12}{~}{ed. J. Doe, Publishing Company, p. 27}

IAU abbreviations of the names of journals and publications should be used.