Camera Control Tool

Camera is a dedicated tool for controling image aquisition instruments. Currently it supports three infrared instruments: MAGIC , OMEGA and MAX, but could be easily adopted for any other imaging or spectroscopic system based on IR arrays or CCD detectors. Camera tool controls mainly specific camera functions: readout modes, exposure time, number of exposures, but also data management (entering comments, object names), data saving (paths, filenames, disk-space), macro and mosaicing capabilities (generating, recording, replaying, pausing).

Control Camera window is divided into the following, described below, areas:

  1. Menu Bar
  2. Configuration
  3. FITS keywords
  4. Exposure Control
  5. Action Control
  6. Save Control

Save Options Menu

Save Options define the way in which Save command works:

Mosaic Creator

Mosaic Creator Tool generates macros used for imaging sky area larger than covered by detector. It creates mosaics of three types:Spiral, Scan and Dither with three overlaping factors: 5%, 53% and 95%.

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Grzegorz Pojmanski /