dATAview - General Image Viewing Tool

Displays images read from the disk (FITS format), Shared Memory or delivered by the Image Server. Five windows of dATAview enable the following functions: image overview, zoom in/out, pan, contrast/brightness adjustment, color selection, pixel value examination, statistics on the zoomed area, measuring star magnitudes and FWHM, plotting surface, contour, cut, histogram, radial profile plots, offseting and focusing the telescope, bad pixel masking, sky image subtraction, rambling/looping through multiple images, subarray selection, measuring angles and object distances, postscript printouts and more.

dATAview The following five windows (counterclockwise from bottom left) are described below; click on details to jump to the individual pages.

  1. Control Panel - details
  2. Image Window (image) - details
  3. Zoom Window (zoom) - details
  4. View Window (view) - details
  5. Graphic Window (graph) - details

Look also at: Tutorial, FAQ's, Bug Reports, Techical Notes.

dATAview windows

Control Panel offers:
  1. Data source selection (image server, shared memory, disk file)
  2. Load, save and print commands
  3. Options (cursor shape, sliders behaviour)
  4. Frame Navigator: 1st, Last, Loop (frwrd & bckwrd movie)
  5. Function Selection (single or integrated)
  6. Telescope control (center object, move object)
  7. Subarray position/size selector
  8. Switches: Bad Pixel, Sky Subtract,
  9. Tools: Protractor, Wind Rose (North indicator)

Image window is the main zoomable window in which your data are displayed. It provides:
  1. Resizable display window with sliders (if necessary)
  2. Contrast/brightness control sliders (or mouse)
  3. Data Min/Max input windows
  4. AutoScale selector (Min/Max, Median, Manual)
  5. Color controls (LUT: grey, temp, black body, RGB; # of colors)
  6. Zooming facility (magstep = 2)
  7. Full Width Half Maximum & magnitude measurements
  8. Cursor representing the Zoom Window area

Zoom window - resizable zoom window which provides:
  1. Display of data covered by Image Window cursor
  2. Continuous zoom control (3-128 pixels) with mouse buttons
  3. Central pixel position/value display
  4. Instantenous statistics (min, max, average, sigma) for the displayed data

View window - resizable window which is always filled with your image. It provides:
  1. Outline of the Image Window area
  2. Smooth positioning of the Image Window area with mouse button

Graphic window - plotting tool which offers:
  1. Surface plots
  2. Contour plots
  3. Histogram plots
  4. X cut plots
  5. X side distribution plots
  6. Y cut plots
  7. Y side distribution plots
  8. Star brightness versus time plots
  9. Sky level versus time plots
  10. Focusing tool (FWHM versus focus plot + focus input window)
  11. Plot region selection (View, Image or Zoom)
  12. Data inspection (coordinates and values)
  13. Zoom Window positioning

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Grzegorz Pojmanski /