This directory contains the files constituting OGLE General Catalog of Stars in the Galactic Bulge. README 1 kB - this file 310 kB - Postscript version of the first catalog paper (Acta Astronomica 46, 1 (1996)) (gzipped) 289 kB - Postscript version of Figure 1 of paper1 (gzipped) 520 kB - BWC field catalog data (gzipped) 520 kB - as "" but with slightly corrected RA/Dec (see below) Note: the astrometric solution has been slightly corrected by adopting new method for calculating the X,Y -> RA/Dec transformation. The new method, introduced in OGLE-II and re-applied to OGLE-I catalogs, uses Digital Sky Survey instead of GSC stars as the base for the transformation. This was done due to small number of GSC stars identified with OGLE stars on some fields. Typical change in coordinates is 0.2 arcsec with maximal value of 1 arcsec.