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ASAS Publications

This page provides links to the published/unpublished papers relevant to the All Sky Automated Survey.

For a brief summary of the project see: poster (PDF) (1 MB).

ASAS description and Catalogues:

When using ASAS data please include a citation to: Pojmanski, G. 2002, Acta Astronomica, 52,397

Pojmanski, G., 1997, Acta Astronomica, 47, 467. postscript (astro-ph:9712146)
The All Sky Automated Survey
Pojmanski, G., 1998, Acta Astronomica, 48, 35. postscript (astro-ph: 9802330)
The All Sky Automated Survey. The Catalog of the Short Period variables in the Selected Fields
Pojmanski, G. 2000, Acta Astronomica, 50, 177. postscript (astro-ph: 0005236)
The All Sky Automated Survey. A Catalog of almost 3900 variable stars
Pojmanski, G., 2001, Small Telescope Astronomy on Global Scales, ASP Conference Series Vol. 246, IAU Colloquium 183. Edited by Bohdan Paczynski, Wen-Pin Chen, and Claudia Lemme. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, p.53. postscript
The All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS-3) System - Its Operation and Preliminary Data
Pojmanski, G. 2002, Acta Astronomica, 52, 397. postscript (astro-ph: 0210283) and Appendix - thumbnails (2MB)
The All Sky Automated Survey. Catalog of Variable Stars. I. 0^h - 6^h Quarter of the Southern Hemisphere
Pojmanski, G. 2003, Acta Astronomica, 53, 341. postscript (astro-ph: 0401125) and Appendix - thumbnails (7MB)
The All Sky Automated Survey. Catalog of Variable Stars. II. 6^h - 12^h Quarter of the Southern Hemisphere
Pojmanski, G., Maciejewski, G., 2004, Acta Astronomica 54, 153. postscript (astro-ph: 0406256) and Appendix - thumbnails (6MB)
The All Sky Automated Survey. Catalog of Variable Stars. III. 12^h - 18^h Quarter of the Southern Hemisphere
Pojmanski, G., Maciejewski, G., 2004, Acta Astronomica 55, 97. postscript (astro-ph: 0412645) and Appendix - thumbnails (6MB)
The All Sky Automated Survey. Catalog of Variable Stars. IV. 18^h - 24^h Quarter of the Southern Hemisphere
Pojmanski, G., Pilecki, B., Szczygiel, D., 2005, Acta Astronomica 55, 275. postscript (astro-ph: 0508017), Appendix - thumbnails (6MB) and Table (400 kB)
The All Sky Automated Survey. Catalog of Variable Stars. V. Declinations 0 - +28 deg of the Northern Hemisphere

ASAS reasoning:

Paczynski, B., 1997, Edited by Roger Ferlet, Jean-Pierre Maillard and Brigitte Raban. Cedex, France : Editions Frontieres, 1997, p.357
The Future of Massive Variability Searches
Paczynski, B., 2000, PASP, 112, 1281
Monitoring All Sky for Variability

Papers based on ASAS, with downloadable data:

Paczynski, B., Szczygiel, D., Pilecki, B., Pojmanski, G. 2006, MNRAS, 368, 1311 → ( get data )
Eclipsing binaries in the All Sky Automated Survey catalogue
Szczygiel, D. M., Socrates, A., Paczynski, B., Pojmanski, G., Pilecki, B. 2008, AcA, 58, 405 → ( get data )
Coronal activity from the ASAS eclipsing binaries
Szczygiel, D. M., Pojmanski, G., Pilecki, B. 2009, AcA, 59, 137 → ( get data )
Galactic fundamental mode RR Lyrae stars. Period - amplitude diagram, metallicities and distribution

Third-party papers based on the ASAS data*:

Rucinski, S. M., 2007, MNRAS, 382, 393
The short-period end of the contact binary period distribution based on the All-Sky Automated Survey
Rucinski, S. M., 2006, MNRAS, 368, 1319
Luminosity function of contact binaries based on the All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS)

* included on request

See also astro-ph papers refering or citing ASAS.