
PhD recruitment 2023

Astronomical Observatory of the University of Warsaw
invites candidates for PhD studies
at the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences
of the University of Warsaw

Astronomical Observatory of the University of Warsaw is the leading astronomical institution in Poland. It has a high world position in the field of large-scale photometric observations of the sky thanks to the OGLE and ASAS projects carried out for over twenty years. Our staff is also actively involved in such world renowned projects as HESS and CTA (high energy observations), LIGO/VIRGO (gravitational waves) and satellite missions such as Gaia (mass astrometry, transient phenomena).

Ph.D. students at the Observatory have the opportunity to work with excellent scientific staff and to actively participate in projects carried out by the Observatory or within international cooperation. They publish their papers in top astronomical journals and present their results at international scientific conferences.

According to the new Law on Higher Education and Science, from 2019 astronomical doctoral studies at the University of Warsaw take place within the framework of the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences and last for 4 years. PhD students are entitled (by law) to a scholarship of min. PLN 2667 gross in the first two years of studies and PLN 4110 in the following two years, after successfully passing the mid-term evaluation. The Observatory declares to increase the scholarship for students admitted in the 2023 recruitment process up to the amount of min. PLN 4000/4500 gross per month in the first/second two-year period, respectively. It may also be possible to receive independent co-financing from projects conducted by supervisors.

Candidates interested in pursuing doctoral studies are asked to contact potential supervisors according to the list of proposed topics below. The registration of applications starts May 8th and ends June 19th. The full schedule and detailed instructions can be found on the Doctoral School enrolment page

The details of the enrollment process and the amount of scholarship for positions financed from external grants will be given separately. We encourage early contact and discussion with the prospective supervisors.

Additional information: Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences

Proposed topics:

(check often for updates and additions)

List of topics and supervisors:

  • Microlensing planets

Supervisor: dr hab. Radosław Poleski (rpoleski at astrouw.edu.pl)

  • Astrophysics with decihertz gravitational wave observatories

Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Tomasz Bulik (tb at astrouw.edu.pl)

  • Cosmology with gravitational waves

Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Tomasz Bulik (tb at astrouw.edu.pl)

  • Numerical simulation of astrophysical sources of gravitational waves

Supervisor: dr hab. Dorota Rosińska, prof. UW (drosinska at astrouw.edu.pl)

  • Properties of compact binaries originating from globular clusters as sources of gravitational waves

Supervisor: dr hab. Dorota Rosińska, prof. UW (drosinska at astrouw.edu.pl)

Projects financed from external grants

  • Investigating binarity of LSP variable stars

Supervisor: dr hab. Dorota Skowron (dszczyg at astrouw.edu.pl)

  • Stellar binary systems in the Galactic bulge

Supervisor:: dr hab. Radosław Poleski (rpoleski at astrouw.edu.pl)

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