Statistics Journal Club

All masters students, PhD students, and employees are invited.
Meetings - every other week: Mon 12:00 (conference room at the 3rd floor)
Organizer: Radek Poleski (email: rpoleski@...)

Planned meetings

See below for list of past meetings.
Date and speakerPaper/Topic
17.03.2025, M. WickerCamacho, Faria and Viana 2023 "Modelling stellar activity with Gaussian process regression networks"
31.03.2025, Z. Budzik???
14.04.2025, R. OliveiraViana et al. 2025 "LensNet: Enhancing Real-time Microlensing Event Discovery with Recurrent Neural Networks in the Korea Microlensing Telescope Network"
5.05.2025, ??????
19.05.2025, W. Pearson???

Available papers and topics - choose your favorite and let me know when you want to present.

Some of the papers are long, you may choose to present only part of the paper in such cases.

review of classification methodsa good starting point is sec. 9 of Ivezic et al. "Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning in Astronomy" 2014
Cappellari and Copin 2003" Adaptive spatial binning of integral-field spectroscopic data using Voronoi tessellations"lots of citations
Self Organizing MapOne the machine lerning methods.
Leistedt et al. 2023"Hierarchical Bayesian inference of photometric redshifts with stellar population synthesis models"
Perren, Vázquez and Piatti 2015"ASteCA: Automated Stellar Cluster Analysis"densities of clusters analyzed
Weigel, Schawinski and Bruderer 2016"Stellar mass functions: methods, systematics and results for the local Universe"STY maximum likelihood technique, SWML non-parametric maximum likelihood, and 1/Vmax; paper is relatively long
Rojas-Arriagada et al. 2020"How many components? Quantifying the complexity of the metallicity distribution in the Milky Way bulge with APOGEE"Gaussian mixture model and non-negative matrix factorization decomposition
Foreman-Mackey, Agol, Ambikasaran and Angus 2017"Fast and Scalable Gaussian Process Modeling with Applications to Astronomical Time Series"see also; more advanced version was already presented by M. Mróz
Tsutomou et al. 2022"High Dimensional Statistical Analysis and its Application to ALMA Map of NGC 253"noise-reduction principal component analysis (NRPCA) and regularized principal component analysis (RPCA) used; suggested by Kasia Małek
Speagle 2019"A Conceptual Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods"Other concepts are also discussed: importance sampling, effective sample size, approximating posterior integrals with grids
Vitale 2020"One, No One, and One Hundred Thousand -- Inferring the properties of a population in presence of selection effects"Pedagogical introduction to hierarchical Bayesian inference in presence of selection effects; gravitational waves as an example
Hogg and Forman-Mackey 2017"Data analysis recipes: Using Markov chain Monte Carlo"Good MCMC introduction that has problems to be solved by the reader; discusses convergence, parametrizations etc.
LIGO and Virgo 2020"Population Properties of Compact Objects from the Second LIGO-Virgo Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog"gravitational waves - statistical analysis of O3 run that considers a few different models
Student projectStudent can present what statistical analysis they work on, even if it's not finished. It's likely that other participants will give useful suggestions
Schwarzenberg-Czerny 1996"An astronomer's guide to period searching"short

Past meetings

Date and speakerPaper/TopicLinks
3.03.2025, R. PoleskiScargle 1998 "Studies in Astronomical Time Series Analysis. V. Bayesian Blocks, a New Method to Analyze Structure in Photon Counting Data"slides
22.1.2025, M. CieślarA heuristic search algorithm for the GW template library
8.1.2025, K. RutkowskiApplications of Nonuniform Fast Fourier Transform in periodogram analysisslides
4.12.2024, W. AlhassanAlhassan et al. 2024 "PyMerger: Detecting Binary Black Hole mergers from Einstein Telescope Using Deep Learning"slides
20.11.2024, M. KapustaSimulation-Based Inference with Neural Posterior Estimationslides
6.11.2024, P. MrózKammerer et al. 2020 "Increasing the achievable contrast of infrared interferometry with an error correlation model"
23.10.2024, R. PoleskiIntroduction to neural networksslides
22.05.2024, J. SkowronKaramanis et al. 2022"Accelerating astronomical and cosmological inference with preconditioned Monte Carlo"slides; code at
8.05.2024, M. KapustaRinaldi and Del Pozzo 2022"(H)DPGMM: a hierarchy of Dirichlet process Gaussian mixture models for the inference of the black hole mass function"slides
20.03.2024, R. PoleskiFerguson and Strigari 2020 "Three-dimensional structure of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal core from RR Lyrae"
13.03.2024, R. OliveiraWen et al. 2024 "Hierarchical Bayesian inference of globular cluster properties"slides
23.01.2024, P. RoyRomero-Shaw, Thrane, and Lasky 2022 "When models fail: An introduction to posterior predictive checks and model misspecification in gravitational-wave astronomy"slides
16.01.2024, D. SkowronWang, López-Corredoira and Wei 2023 "The Hubble Tension Survey: A Statistical Analysis of the 2012-2022 Measurements"slides
12.12.2023, R. OliveiraGolovich et al. 2022 "A Reanalysis of Public Galactic Bulge Gravitational Microlensing Events from OGLE-III and -IV"slides
5.12.2023, M. KiragaEnsor et al. 2017 "A Principal Component Analysis of the Diffuse Interstellar Bands"slides
14.11.2023, M. BanHsu, Ford, et al. 2018 "Improving the Accuracy of Planet Occurrence Rates from Kepler Using Approximate Bayesian Computation"slides, animations
31.10.2023, R. PoleskiTerry et al. 2022 "Adaptive Optics Imaging Can Break the Central Caustic Cusp Approach Degeneracy in High-magnification Microlensing Events"slides
25.05.2023, D. SkowronRaphael Oliviera researchslides
18.05.2023, P. IwanekIwanek et al. 2023 "A Three-dimensional Map of the Milky Way Using 66,000 Mira Variable Stars"slides
20.04.2023, K. IłkiewiczGRAVITY Collaboration 2022 "Deep images of the Galactic center with GRAVITY"slides
6.04.2023, P. SzewczykTekatsy et al. 2023 "What neutron stars tell about the hadron-quark phase transition: a Bayesian study"slides
23.03.2023, P. MrózGraham et al. 2013 "Using conditional entropy to identify periodicity"
9.03.2023, R. PoleskiLuri et al. 2018 "Gaia Data Release 2. Using Gaia parallaxes"slides
24.01.2023, M. MrózGordon, Agol and Foreman-Mackey 2020 "A Fast, Two-dimensional Gaussian Process Method Based on Celerite: Applications to Transiting Exoplanet Discovery and Characterization"slides
20.12.2022, J. SkowronHogg, Bovy and Lang 2010 "Data analysis recipes: Fitting a model to data" - part 2slides
6.12.2022, J. SkowronHogg, Bovy and Lang 2010 "Data analysis recipes: Fitting a model to data" - part 1slides
22.11.2022, M. Ban Koshimoto and Bennett 2020 "Evidence of Systematic Errors in Spitzer Microlens Parallax Measurements"slides
8.11.2022, R. PoleskiHawkins et al. 2017 "Red clump stars and Gaia: calibration of the standard candle using a hierarchical probabilistic model"slides
21.10.2022, J. SkowronIntroduction to MCMC
9.06.2022, M. KiragaSalvato et al. 2018 "Finding counterparts for all-sky X-ray surveys with NWAY: a Bayesian algorithm for cross-matching multiple catalogues"slides
19.05.2022, M. GromadzkiKuhn and Feigelson 2017 "Mixture Models in Astronomy"slides
5.05.2022, K. IłkiewiczFrancis and Wills 1999 "Introduction to Principal Components Analysis"slides
21.04.2022, M. BanUdalski et al. 2018 "OGLE-2017-BLG-1434Lb: Eighth q<1e-4 Mass-Ratio Microlens Planet Confirms Turnover in Planet Mass-Ratio Function"slides
31.03.2022, M. RatajczakSchwarzenberg-Czerny 1989 "On the advantage of using analysis of variance for period search."slides
17.03.2022, R. PoleskiForeman-Mackey, Hogg and Morton 2014 "Exoplanet Population Inference and the Abundance of Earth Analogs from Noisy, Incomplete Catalogs"slides
3.03.2022, P. MrózHogg, Myers, and Bovy 2010 "Inferring the Eccentricity Distribution"notes
11.01.2022, M. JabłońskaAndrae 2010 "Error estimation in astronomy: A guide"slides, github code
14.12.2021, P. SzewczykHogg 2008 "Data analysis recipes: Choosing the binning for a histogram"slides, code
30.11.2021, K. KruszyńskaBailer-Jones et al. 2021 " Estimating Distances from Parallaxes. V. Geometric and Photogeometric Distances to 1.47 Billion Stars in Gaia Early Data Release 3"slides
16.11.2021, J. SkowronIntroduction to MCMC - part 3
9.11.2021, J. SkowronIntroduction to MCMC - part 2
26.10.2021, J. SkowronIntroduction to MCMC - part 1
11.6.2021, D. SkowronVanderPlas and Ivezic 2015 "Periodograms for Multiband Astronomical Time Series"slides
21.5.2021, M. KiragaGould 2013 "The Most Precise Extra-Galactic Black-Hole Mass Measurement"slides
14.5.2021, J. SkowronUltraNest package - based on Buchner (2021) and Buchner (2021)slides
23.4.2021, Sz. KozłowskiQuasar variability based on 1, 2, 3, and 4slides
9.4.2021, K. Kruszyńska"Bayesian Approach for Determining Microlens System Properties with High-angular-resolution Follow-up Imaging" Koshimoto, Bennett, and Suzuki 2020slides
26.3.2021, R. Poleski"Quantifying the Bayesian Evidence for a Planet in Radial Velocity Data" Nelson et al. 2020slides
12.3.2021, M. Gromadzki"Astrophysical Sources of Statistical Uncertainty in Precision Radial Velocities and Their Approximations" Beatty and Gaudi 2015slides
14.1.2021, M. Ratajczak"The Joker: A Custom Monte Carlo Sampler for Binary-star and Exoplanet Radial Velocity Data" Price-Whelan et al. 2017slides
7.1.2021, P. Zieliński"Detecting extrasolar planets from stellar radial velocities using Bayesian evidence" Feroz et al. 2011slides
10.12.2020, R. Poleski"Multimodal nested sampling: an efficient and robust alternative to Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods for astronomical data analyses" Feroz and Hobson 2008slides, code, data
26.11.2020, Ł. Wyrzykowski"Dos and don'ts of reduced chi-squared" Andrae et al. 2010slides
19.11.2020, J. SkowronIntroduction to MCMCslides, more slides, code 1, code 2, data
29.10.2020, R. PoleskiBayes' theorem and related conceptsslides

Statistical topics that can be discussed:

In random order: