
Szczegóły seminarium

Data: 14.01.2025

Marek Szczepańczyk (FUW,PL)

Searching for exceptional gravitational-wave sources in the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA data

The emerging field of Gravitational Wave Astronomy has already demonstrated its potential to explore the Dynamic Universe. We are just at the beginning of exploring the Universe with gravitational waves. While LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA regularly observes gravitational waves from compact binaries, we do not know what we may discover next. We may observe new source populations, multi-messenger events, sources with special properties, etc. Such exceptional astrophysical sources will likely play a key role in this endeavor of exploring the Universe. In my presentation, I will discuss examples of exceptional gravitational-wave sources and the model-independent searches that have already shown that they are suitable for making discoveries. I will then describe the status of the ongoing fourth observing run that already provided almost two hundred new gravitational-wave candidates. I will also announce an incoming LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA workshop in Warsaw.

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